
Germany (in German, Deutschland), officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is one of the twenty-seven sovereign states that make up the European Union. Constituted as a social and democratic state of law, its form of government is the parliamentary and federal republic. Its capital is Berlin. It is made up of sixteen federal states (Bundesländer) and is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, Sweden (maritime border) and the Baltic Sea; to the east with Poland and the Czech Republic; to the south with Austria and Switzerland; and to the west with France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Free Walking Tours, Guided Tours and Activities in Germany

Free tour por Potsdam en español Potsdam Viadrina Tours Nuevo Palacio / Free tour Potsdam Old Town
  • 2h 30m

Free tour Potsdam Old Town

Discover the beautiful city of Potsdam, Sanssouci Palace with its parks and more with this Free Tour Potsdam in Spanish.

Price: Free!

Free tour por Dresden en español Viadrina Tours / Free tour Old Town Dresde
  • 2h 15m

Free tour Old Town Dresde

Free tour Old Town Dresde. Discover the impressive city of Dresden with our free tour in English.

Price: Free!

Free tour por Múnich en español Viadrina Tours / Free tour Munich Old Town
  • 2h 30m

Free tour Munich Old Town

During our Free tour Munich Old Town, we will discover the most important places and stories of the old town of Munich.

Price: Free!

Reichtag que ver en Berlin Alemania Viadrina Tours Free tour por Berlín en español / Free tour Berlin Old Town in English
  • 2h 45m

Free tour Berlin Old Town

Free tour Berlin. The capital of the Third Reich, epicenter of the cold war, the old splendor of the German Empire, discover the best of Berlin with us.

Price: ¡Tu eliges!

Free tour por el casco histórico de Bonn / Free tour Old Town Bonn
  • 1h 45m

Free tour Old Town Bonn

During the free walking tour, discover the most important monuments with this Free tour Old Town Bonn

Price: Free!

Stuttgart free tour Free Tour por Stuttgart en español English Viadrina Tours Free Tour Stuttgart Old Town
  • 2h 30m

Free Tour Stuttgart Old Town

Discover Stuttgart with our Free Tour Stuttgart. Learn about the Mercedes company and the Württemberg dynasty.

Price: Free!

Free tour por Colonia Viadrina Tours en español / Free Tour Cologne
  • 2h 30m

Free Tour Cologne Old Town

Discover Cologne with our Free Tour Cologne. Enjoy the spectacular gothic cathedral, the Rhine River, Eau de Cologne story and more.

Price: Free!

More destinations

Free tour por Dresden en español Viadrina Tours / Free tour Old Town Dresde


Dresden is the capital of the federal state of Saxony, in Germany. It limits to the northwest with the district of Meißen, to the northeast with the one of Bautzen and to the south with the one of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge.

Berlin walking private tours privados activities que ver que hacer Alemania actividades turismo freetours


Berlin is the capital of Germany and one of the sixteen German federal states. It is located in the northeast of Germany. The rivers Spree, Havel, Panke, Dahme and Wuhle flow through the city. With a population of 3.77 million inhabitants, Berlin is the most populous city in the country and in Central Europe.

Stuttgart Viadrina Tours


Stuttgart is the capital and largest city of the German state of Baden-Württemberg. It is located on the Neckar river in a fertile valley known locally as the “Stuttgart Cauldron” and lies an hour from the Swabian Jura and the Black Forest. Its area has a population of 635,911 making it the sixth largest city in Germany.

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